Unit 11


  • I’m always looking out for the weak, jumping in without hesitation.
  • One of my passions is making self comics.
  • I’m always kind and thoughtful when I try to help people going through trauma.


  • Stress, conflict and the confidence to actually do the work are my greatest challenges, but with my committed determination, I always pull through.
  • I sometimes struggle with working in a group if I can’t agree or work with the teammates.


  • I developed my confidence when I went on Tall Ships.
  • I passed BTEC Level 2 Science with a Double Merit.
  • I passed BTEC Level 1 Mandatory Units with a Double Merit.
  • I passed Art & Design Level 3 1st year with a Distinction.
  • I helped an elderly who fell down.
  • I represented the Southern Team for Badminton in the Manx Youth Games and led the Southern Team in.


  • I’m hoping to become a comic illustrator or animator like my inspirations, Stan Lee and my cousin, Tim Gray.
  • I’m hoping to see the world.

Ideas of what to do after UCM:


UCM Degree Course:


What they offer:

  • It covers both traditional and digital media.
  • There are opportunities to use more than one form of art within each project.
  • It supports graduates when they start searching for a career afterwards.

University of Plymouth:


What they offer:

  • Degree courses: Illustration, Fine Art, Digital Media & Filmmaking and Photography.
  • The illustration courses feel like they would suit me best as it offers a wide range of opportunities.

Staffordshire University:


What they offer:

  • Degree Courses: Illustration, Fine Art and Comic Courses
  • I would be particularly interested in the Cartoons & Comic Course.

University of Bolton:


What they offer:

  • A variety of illustration & animation courses.
  • The opportunities for storyboarding and narrative techniques as part of animation is something I would enjoy exploring.

Falmouth University:


What they offer:

  • All sorts of Art Courses.

Liverpool Hope University:


What they offer:

  • Various degree courses with combined honours, e.g. Film & Visual Culture with Drama.
  • I’m not sure that such a course would suit my skills and interests.

I am not sure whether I feel ready to live away from home and study at university at present. These courses maybe something I could pursue in a few years time.

Employment & Career Directions:

Isle of Man Arts Council:


What they offer:

  • Work Experience
  • Art Clubs
  • Active Projects.

Culture Vannin:

Possibility to take inspiration from our Manx Culture, they also work in collaboration with the IOM Arts Council.

Artist that inspires me:

Osamu Tezuka:


Brief History:

  • Tezuka grew up watching Classic Disney animation which later inspired him to try his own artwork.
  • He developed his drawing skills during elementary school.
  • He started his career through Manga comics during and after the Second World War.
  • Tezuka studied medicine at Osaka University before carrying on with the career of Manga artist.
  • In 1946, Tezuka published ‘Diary of Ma-chan’, his first professional work.
  • After his first success, he went on to creating more Manga comics all the way to 1989.
  • In 1961, Tezuka founded the Mushi Productions company and started adapting his Manga comics into Animation.
  • He continued to work right up to his death in 1989 from stomach cancer, his last words being “I’m begging you, let me work!”
  • To this day, Tezuka is regarded as ‘the Father of Manga’ and his legacy continues to inspire Manga Artists.

Looking into his work, Tezuka was a man of teaching. Within each of his works, there is a hidden message about life. Some of it is from his personal experience during the Second World War, and likely the evolution of technology and science as some of his works take place in what would have been the future in the 20th century. The more I look at his work, the more I see my own at the same time in terms of what the future could be, the mature teachings within the stories and the inspiration by a well known artist.

CV Research:




Flix IOM:

What it is:

  • An animation facility based in Douglas.
  • Their work is animation for children’s programs, including Dog Loves Books.

I had gone to visit the staff at Flix during Progression Week. The animators there explained to me that producing an animated series can take a lot of time. They also introduced me to certain apps on my iPad. They are trying to collaborate with UCM for work experience with them for students.

Progression Week

A1 mind map sheet:

Personal Statement:

Which artists inspire me?

Chris Van Allsburg – Each of his illustrations look realistic, yet at the same time, almost cartoony. That is the sort of thing I aim for when I’m doing my comic illustrations, or something similar.

Beatrix Potter – Her watercolour illustrations, both, landscape and storybook, are well detailed. They capture the Lake District so well, it’s like stepping into a fantasy world in real life.

Axel Scheffler – I grew up with Scheffler’s illustrations with the storybooks he illustrated in. Each of his illustrations are unique in terms of design. The way he mixes watercolour with pastels and ink is clever and really sets the tone of the illustrations.

Osamu Tezuka – His characters are full of life and expression, it’s like stepping into a whole new world full of creative fantasy!

Why am I having a gap year?

I would like to take a gap year to gain work experience, earn some money and become more independent. Also, I would prefer to know my grades from this year before I apply to any university or further training.

Aspirations for the future.

I aspire to work as a freelance artist, which I’m familiar with as I’ve done art requests in the past. However, my only problem is setting terms with commissions.

Another job that would interest me is working for a newspaper, in the comic section. I have been approached by the editor of the newsletter for my local church. I’ve considered their offer and would hope to do some of this type of work during my gap year. I feel my skills lie in storyboarding, illustration, animation and comic style art.

I consider myself to be organised and these skills could be useful working in a small shop or office. I have been part of the UCM Student Council for three years and am currently part of the Events Team, helping with planning and organising events.

What can I bring to the job?

I am dedicated to my work and always give 100% effort. I always bring enthusiasm to my work, I am keen to learn more and this is evident in my artwork. I volunteer at Port Erin Railway Museum, I interact with the visitors, answer any questions about the museum and talk about the Isle of Man Railway’s history. This has taught me a lot about teamwork and working alongside others. I enjoy problem solving which inspires creative thinking and also fuels my enthusiasm for work.



Plan of action after UCM:

  • Open up a Freelance Artist account for online commissions.
  • Get a part time job on the island to help with
    • Work Experience.
    • Social Skills.
    • Earn some money.
  • Potentially save up some money and apply for university somewhere.
  • Take a year off studying to start all these.

Work outside of course:

This is a comic I had done for my local church’s newspaper. It’s a four page comic cropped down to fit a section in one page. I hope to continue this career in future while I’m trying to find a job and improve my artwork.

The video below is a stop motion animation I had done for Mothering Sunday this year, and it was featured in a church’s video. This is another form of art I hope to pursue and expand on with my own drawings and comics in future.