FMP Sketchbook Work

Front Cover

First Research Mind Map

Primary Research: Career Choices

Presentation Proposal Draft

Path Research

Narrative Powerpoint Answers


Early Character Design Drafts

Second Research Mind Map

Components of Story

Ball Bounce Animation Drafts

Photo Sketch

Original Photo

Sketch Version

Idea Generation

Merging Images & Word Play

Word Play Page 2


Physical Characteristics:

Elizabeth Tower: Digital Clock

Eiffel Tower: Arch heightened up to make an ‘A’ shape.

Mickey Mouse: Dumbo Ears.


Felix the Cat & Sonic the Hedgehog:

Similarities; Eye arrangement and face placement.

Difference; Head shape.

Mickey Mouse & Oswald the Lucky Rabbit:

Similarities; Face placement, eye arrangement and head shape.

Difference; Ears.

Vile & Boba Fett:

Similarities; Ear cups, helmet shape and visor placement.

Difference; Colouring, Vile’s ‘V’ emblem and Boba Fett’s radar thingy.


Superman: Heat Vision.

Normal use: Burning enemies.

Alternate use: Shaving.

Mega Man: Power Stone.

Normal use: Crushing enemies.

Alternate use: Can be used as a shield.

Charizard: Fire Type Moves.

Normal use: Burning opponents.

Alternate use: Can be used to make a campfire.

Binary Opposites.

Tardis (Doctor Who): Warps the user back in time or into the future.

Time Stones (Sonic CD): Use of one of them can take the user back in time or alter the future.

Past and Future Signs (Sonic CD): Speeding past them and keeping the pace sends the user back in time or into the potential future.

Time Skimmer (Mega Man): Warps the user back in time or into the future.

Time Hole (Mario & Luigi RPG): Sends the person back to the past or the present.

Ocarina of Time (Legend of Zelda): Playing the Song of Time sends the user back in time.

Natural History Museum: Gives the feeling of stepping back through time.

Spell Book: Possible time spell to freeze time, go back in time or go to the future.

History Book: Gives the feeling of stepping back through time.

Memories: Remembering events from the past.


(for viewers who can’t read my handwriting)

Example A: Harry Potter: If Voldemort didn’t kill the Potters or didn’t go after Harry, Harry would have grown up with his parents and would have grown up with more knowledge of the Wizarding World.

Example B: Star Wars: If Anakin Skywalker hadn’t fallen to the Dark Side, Palpatine would have been killed by Mace Windu and the Original Trilogy would have never happened.

Example C: The Lord of the Rings: If Bilbo hadn’t found and took the One Ring from Gollum, the Orcs would have found it in Gollum’s possession and given it to Sauron, prompting his return.

Robo-Hackers What if?: If the Prowers were spared, James and Talia would have grown up with their parents and the 25 Year War may have ended sooner. Or, if James was taken in by the Dark Legion, he’d have grown up to become an assassin and look up to General Mafia as a parent/guardian.

Irony/Expectations/Literal Meaning:

(for viewers who can’t read my handwriting)

Drawing 1: Steam Roller.

Drawing 2;

Boy 1: You said you’d be back at 10! It’s 10:30!

Boy 2: I said AROUND 10! Not AT 10!

Drawing 3;

Girl: What are you doing?

Boy: Waiting for the paper to blow up in my face!

Girl: *sigh*

Drawing 4;

Boy 1: Are we there yet?

Boy 2: Yes.

Boy 1: Really?!

Boy 2: NO!

Drawing 5;

Girl 1: I’ll believe it when the cow jumps over the moon!

Girl 2: But… Cows can’t jump over the moon. That’s not possible. That would require *gibberish talk*.

Drawing 6;

Ariel: Is his a dream?! Someone pinch me! YOW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!

Ace: You said ‘Pinch Me’!


Ian’s Creative Matrix activity

Initial idea: James uses a time stone to go back in time to see ‘what if’ events.

Narrative: 10, Tragedy.

Toolbox: 20, Overlays.

Materials: 8, Coloured.

Visualisation Processes: 67, Time-Lapse.

Influences: 80, Adult.

Emotional Content: 27, Compassionate.

Rules: 30, Radical Shaped Compositions.

Outcomes: 55, Film, T.V & Radio.

Original Sketch.


Character Designs

Character Information:

Name: Katrina (Katie) Graves

Birthdate: March 22nd 2199

Gender: Female

Height: 6.5 foot

Favourite Colour: Blue

Favourite Animal: Cat

Favourite Movie: N/A

Likes: Friends, family, being helpful

Dislikes: Bullies, being used, jerks

Fears: Failing, letting her friends down

Virtues: Kind and generous

Defects: Naive

Allergies: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Parents: Parents and Eric

Siblings: N/A

Significant Other: N/A

Children: None

Profession: Student

Rank: Office Assistant

Goal: Coordinator/Navigator

Character Information:

Name: Christopher (Chris) Creeves

Birthdate: April 17th 2200

Gender: Male

Height: 5.8 foot

Favourite Colour: Green

Favourite Animal: Dog

Favourite Movie: N/A

Likes: Storybooks & Video Games

Dislikes: Being belittled

Fears: Bullies

Virtues: Responsible and modest

Defects: Easily manipulated

Allergies: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Parents: Reginald and Chloe

Siblings: N/A

Significant Other: N/A

Children: None

Profession: Student

Rank: Game Illustrator

Goals: Game Designer

Character Information:

Name: Willow Nora

Birthdate: July 6th 2199

Gender: Female

Height: 6.0 foot

Favourite Colour: Magenta

Favourite Animal: Rabbit

Favourite Movie: N/A

Likes: Children and friends

Dislikes: Bullies

Virtues: Loves teaching and helping out

Defects: Hyper and gullible

Allergies: N/A

Enemies: Colin

Parents: Meryl and Gordon

Siblings: Luke and Summer

Significant Other: N/A

Children: None

Profession: Student

Rank: Support Teacher

Goals: Teacher

Character Information:

Name: Colin Craft

Birthdate: February 9th 2199

Gender: Male

Height: 6.6 foot

Favourite Colour: Yellow

Favourite Animal: N/A

Favourite Movie: N/A

Likes: Being centre of attention and popularity

Dislikes: Being outsmarted or told what to do

Fears: Being alone

Virtues: Creative

Defects: Egotistical narcissistic attitude

Allergies: N/A

Enemies: Willow and Katie

Parents: Ellen and Aaron

Siblings: N/A

Significant Other: N/A

Children: None

Profession: Student

Rank: Film Director in training

Goal: Billionaire

Reflective Practice

Exhibition Plan

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