FMP Audience & Storyboard

Age group:

  • Teenagers.
  • Young adults.
  • School students.

Social Media:

  • YouTube.
  • Instagram.
  • Facebook.

My target audience are teenagers-young adults because the ideas and storyline in the animation piece I will be doing is about maturity and following the path they’ve chosen. However, I will be trying to add some cartoonish humour where I can so it’s suitable for younger audiences as well.


Chris’ Story:

  1. Chris Creeves is a young artist who loves playing video games.
  2. He aspires to become a game designer.
  3. He attends the university to pursue his dream goal.
  4. He meets Colin who tries everything to make Chris drop out.
  5. Chris succeeds in his education.
  6. But discovers he caused Colin to fail.
  7. Chris decides to help Colin with his education.
  8. Both finish their education and go from rivals to firm friends.

Colin’s Story:

  1. Colin Craft is an egotistical narcissist who enjoys being centre of attention.
  2. He aspires to become a billionaire.
  3. He attends the university by his parents’ recommendation.
  4. He meets Chris who, to him, acts as his obstacle to achieving his goal.
  5. Colin tries everything to get Chris to drop out.
  6. But fails in his education because of his focus.
  7. Eventually, Colin opens up and asks Chris for help.
  8. He finishes his education and becomes friends with Chris.


Panel 1: Chris and Colin before going to University.

Panel 2: Chris and Colin meeting each other.

Panel 3: Colin trying everything to sabotage Chris.

Panel 4: Chris finding out about Colin’s failure.

Panel 5: Both boys graduating and becoming friends.

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