Fine Art Background Designs

During the lockdown, I had made a Lino cut design for a background I am hoping to use for my animation. This could be used as a background design for a building, a room, a board or even a game stage.

Due to being in Lockdown, I was limited to the materials I could use. I couldn’t print the prints the way I usually would either. So, I improvised by this process:

  1. Use the Gellipad provided to mix the paints.
  2. Take a small scoop of acrylic paint onto the Gellipad.
  3. Mix the colours together.
  4. Use the brayer to paint the Lino.
  5. Print the piece on either paper or in my sketchbook.
Sample A
Sample B
Sample C
Sample D

Using the Acrylic paint wasn’t easy. Unlike ink, the acrylic can cause the brayer to slide along instead of roll. This can be a pain when trying to mix paints together.

Hopefully, I will be able to go wild with the Gellipad next time because there were patterns I was hoping to try but didn’t due to circumstances and lack of materials.

Update: April 27th

Print 1
Print 2
Print 3
Print 4

Update: May 14th

I used the prints for background holograms in the animations after making a collage out of them as seen below. (through photocopying)

Collage 1
Collage 2
Collage 3
Collage 4

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